Sofigate customer survey indicates record-high satisfaction
Our annual customer experience study shows record-high satisfaction over trusted collaboration and sustainable business value.
This result also aligns with our employee experience study which indicates high satisfaction over impactful and inspiring customer assignments and a caring atmosphere at work.
The key results of our twofold studies combining customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX) show excellent success in the three measured categories:
1. Excitement & Impact: Inspiring and Impactful Collaboration
- 99% of customers agree working with Sofigators is inspiring and immersive
- 90% of Sofigators expressed pride in delivering meaningful business benefits to customers
2. Care: Building Trust and Strong Partnerships
- 100% of customers rated our overall customer care as outstanding, emphasizing Sofigators’ dedication and reliability
- 95% of Sofigators feel a strong sense of care and collaboration within their assignments, underscoring a workplace culture that mirrors our customer-first approach
3. Professionalism: Delivering Expertise and Results
- 100% of customers praised Sofigators’ high level of expertise and the quality of work, agreeing that outcomes consistently meet expectations
- 90% of Sofigators expressed pride in a proactive and participative way of working which meets customer’s expectations
At Sofigate, we conduct a range of surveys to measure different touch points throughout the customer journey.
“This Flame study approach, where we gather feedback from both customers and Sofigate team members, empowers teams to build and strengthen strategic partnerships in a truly unique and wholesome way that considers both perspectives. It helps address potential challenges proactively and guides efforts toward activities that deliver the most value.” explains Liisi Koivu, Customer Engagement and CX Lead from Sofigate.
“The uniqueness of the tool lies in the fact that the research is conducted directly with key individuals from both the client and Sofigate teams, serving their needs. The teams gain access to the results and data, enabling them to refine and develop their collaboration to the highest level. Based on the results, the teams work closely together to create further development actions that best support them specifically. Additionally, the insights help Sofigate management to make more informed strategic decisions”, she continues.
Over the past three years, the trend has been consistently upward, and the already excellent results have continued to improve.

Percentage of respondents who answered agree or strongly agree.
While multiple factors contribute to this positive trend, one key driver has been Sofigate’s customer-value-centric sales and account management model that has been in use since 2023, supported by comprehensive training for personnel across diverse roles. At the heart of this model is a deep understanding of our customers’ needs and a commitment to creating value throughout the customer lifecycle. It emphasizes fast value creation while ensuring adequate time for meaningful dialogue.
“Surveys have played a key role in enhancing our customer service. They help us gain a deeper understanding of our customers’ needs and expectations, enabling us to deliver even better services. Our customers value having their voices heard and seeing their feedback translates into improvements in our collaboration,” underlines Johanna Junnikkala, Customer Success Manager from Sofigate, responsible for ensuring her customers achieve desired outcomes and long-term satisfaction.
More information:
Liisi Koivu
Customer Engagement and CX Lead, Sofigate
+358 50 2460