If you are a seasoned business technology professional looking for new challenges and more freedom, you are in the right place. Our customer base expands across all sectors and fields from public to private, from energy to healthcare. We support them with projects that are both interesting and challenging.
Why should you become a villager? For one, you will have over 800 business technology experts by your side to tackle the projects with more power. You can read some of our success stories right here.
Secondly, you get to keep the freedom you love while working as a member of our team. This means you can work for other companies while working on our projects, too. We will also offer you a villager package, which includes office space, devices and so on – if you need them!
These characteristics describe the Villagers we are looking for:
- Preference to work as a freelancer
- Valid Finnish business ID (y-tunnus in Finnish)
- Previous consulting, training, or advisory experience
- Solid experience in leadership or from expert positions within one or more IT / business domains
- Excellent communication and collaboration skills in Finnish and/or English
- Previous knowledge or willingness to learn about www.managebt.org as a framework
If you feel you match these criteria, go ahead, create your profile, and we will contact you to discuss this opportunity!
The Business Technology Village in a nutshell
Business Technology Village is a Sofigate hub where talent meets demand in a smart way: you can create a profile and our team will work for you to find a best match for your talent. You can work as a member of our team and keep the freedom you love.
Here’s how you can join our village:
- Register on this page & fill in our survey
- Meet with the Village host to discuss the collaboration
- Sign an agreement – Congratulations, you are now a villager!
- Ecosystem onboarding
- Meet with our sales to hear about interesting projects
- Did you find an interesting assignment? Sign a work order for it and begin!