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Minimizing our ecosocial footprint and maximizing our fingerprint by positively impacting the society

Our Commitment to Sustainability

Creating sustainable value with business technology

In today’s rapidly changing world, sustainability has become a crucial element for any forward-thinking organization. Embracing sustainability is not just about protecting our environment but also about fostering a thriving economy and vibrant communities. It ensures the long-term viability of our business operations, drives innovation, and builds trust.

In order to truly take action, we have created a comprehensive sustainability agenda for our company, that reflects our commitment to reducing our environmental footprint and promoting social responsibility. By integrating sustainable practices into our core strategies, we aim to contribute positively to the planet and society while ensuring business resilience and success in the future – for us, our customers and the society.

Our sustainability agenda

We’ve introduced a concrete action plan called Sustainability Agenda for 2024-2025, that consists of key areas we see biggest impact in. The agenda has been built together with our stakeholders and based our core values and strategy.

It’s important for us to be a sustainable employer, partner and company in general. We work together towards our goal: minimizing our ecosocial footprint and maximizing our fingerprint by positively impacting the society.

We have recognized over 50 topics to evaluate and prioritize, that are embedded into the Agenda areas.

5 key areas of the agenda:

1. Create Sustainable Value

We are committed to the best interest of customers and the community. We co-create best practices and help customer to build their own transformation capability.

Contribution through business:

  • Efficiency with digitalization and automation
  • Helping customers with ESG services
  • Driving ethical usage of AI

Impacting the community:

  • Best practices with BT Standard
  • Pro Bono work for non-profit organizations

2. Make an Impact

We empower people to fuel their intelligence and encourage to continuous learning. We support customers’ and employees’ growth and competencies through unique training and insightful coaching.

Employee training:

  • Relevant and inspiring training opportunities that support career development
  • Up to date level of core competences

Our offering:

  • Customer centric training opportunities and insightful coaching

3. We Are a People Company

We take care of our employees by fostering our people wellbeing and providing a good working environment. We care for the wellbeing of Sofigate’s employees and strive to build a diverse, inclusive workplace.


  • Mental wellbeing focus
  • Zero tolerance for harassment
  • Equal career opportunities 
  • Flexible ways of working

Diversity, equity and inclusion:

  • Diverse working environment
  • Comprehensive DEI policies
  • Equal treatment of people

4. Commit to Ethical Business

We run our business with high ethical principles and are transparent about it. We have high integrity, policies and practices. We use data and AI ethically.


  • ESG included in risk management
  • Legal requirements and reporting


  • Transparent governance model
  • Ethical ecosystem

5. Care for the Environment

We are aware of our business’ impact and commit to carbon neutrality.


  • Carbon emission calculation support for customers
  • Virtual and onsite training
  • Travel policy
  • Office environment
  • Carbon neutral roadmap
  • CSRD metrics and reporting

The Sofigate Way:

We recognise our responsibility and we’re committed to follow the direction guided by EU and United Nations (UN).

We have indentified the following 10 UN goals* that our business can contribute the most: 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 17.

Sofigators as a part of our sustainability journey

We are a people company, which is why it’s important that our sustainability transformation is built together with our people. 

Sofigators are committed to make sustainable choices:

94% of us say that working in a sustainable company is somewhat or very important and that Sofigate has an impact on society

Driving change

All of us are working together step by step to make sustainable change.

We have also set up a sustainability taskforce, that drives the sustainability-related change at Sofigate.

For any sustainability related question, contact
